Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hal Spacejock Giveaway

Update #3: Although this draw is closed I'm running another one here

Update #2: The draw is now closed. I've listed the second set of 10 winners here

Update #1: I've drawn 10 winners here, and will draw another ten next Sunday.

I just handed in the final draft of Hal 3, and to celebrate I'm giving away TWENTY copies of the first Hal Spacejock book. (Trade Paperback, 393 pages) All you have to do is tell me why you'd like a copy. Saying 'Because it sounds fun' is plenty, and you can quote me on that ;-) (You don't have to register with blogger to post - anon comments are accepted but you should add your name or a nickname to id yourself in case you win.)

Not sure whether you want a copy? Read chapter one online to find out.

Published by FACP, Distributed by Penguin

"Fast, funny, quirky, enthralling comedy adventure"
Tom Holt

This draw is open to all readers of this blog. Each prize includes a signed copy of Hal and worldwide airmail postage. If you already have a copy of Hal Spacejock, you can request Second Course instead

I'll be picking one winner for every ten comments, to a max of ten copies of the book, so it won't hurt your chances if you share a link to the draw

You can also click 'email post' below (see the envelope icon), and specify an address to send it to.

(I forgot to say - you should bookmark this page because I'll be updating it with the selected winners as time goes by. Just right click this link and choose 'Add to bookmarks'. I don't know how long it's going to take me to give the books away, but certainly check back once a week.)

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Simon Haynes is the author of the Hal Spacejock and Hal Junior series (Amazon / Smashwords / other formats)


Anonymous said...

The Hal Spacejock series is an important contribution because it strikes new ground in appealing to a wide range of ages. I enjoyed Hal Spacejock #1 immensely, and I am a 60-year-old computer scientist. My quite ordinary 9-year-old son gobbled it up in just a few sittings, and now months later it remains in his area of the van (admittedly along with quite a lot of other stuff....)

Anonymous said...

Simon - such a great book! and really easy reading. I love the subtle humour - and Clunk and Navcom are wonderful characters. If I was a lucky one in the draw, I'd give the copy to my Mum!

Anonymous said...

At first I thought: "Just another sci-fi writer - whoopee!" Then I read 2nd Course and was hooked! What a hoot. Great story. Not your usual sci-fi novel filled with techno bable. Enough to inspire me to start writing sci-fi. Now that's what I call a job well done, Simon!

Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed Hal Spacejock and HalSpacejock Second Course. The storyline and characters are excellent. Looking forward to Hal Spacejock Books 3,4 and 5. Keep them coming! You are a gifted writer and programmer.

Seamus "Moose" Anthony said...

I'd like a free copy of Hal Spacejock "Because it sounds fun"

he he he

No realy, I would and it does...

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Hal Spacejock really does sound fun and to make up my mind if it really is, a copy of the book would be just great.

By the way, are there any plans for translations yet?

Anonymous said...

Hi Simon,
I would love a free copy as I would then buy the first two books :-)

Look forward to reading them no matter what, just from the reviews :-)



Mark Deniz said...

I obviously will be getting a copy of the book as I am a monkey and how could you live with yourself knowing that you had refused to help the furtherment of simian development by giving the book to mere humans?

Anonymous said...

Hi Simon

Russ has lost his last one to his son, Glen is going to give it away, Quinton is going to write his own, Brenton is waiting for Hal 5, Thomas wants a translated version, Brad is going to buy book one anyway, and we all know why those simians really want your books....

It's between me and you Moose!


Anonymous said...

Hi Simon,

I want to win a copy of your book because I have heard good things about it and can't afford to buy one at the moment.

I want to see humourous writing, a good plot, and the fruit of a lot of hard work by an 'up and coming' Aussie writer, i.e. you!

And it sounds like fun too!


Anonymous said...

I wanna copy 'cos it sounds FAB, I'm pumped about it and Simon has just the best taste in British comics!!! How can it be anything but amazing!!! - cheers - Al

Anonymous said...

Simon - because I need closure! And because there is an empty space on the bookcase which is totally reserved for Hal and Clunk's future adventures. It is slowly driving me nuts, dusting that space!

Anonymous said...

Because I can't play chess either and it sounds fun

Arkansawyer said...

Sounds good... Ready for the free book so send it on my way!

Anonymous said...

I'd love a copy, because you said it was good, and you wouldn't lie to Granny

Jim C. Hines said...

I would love a copy, because hey, everyone else is asking :-) And I'm always up for some fun humour!

Anonymous said...

Gimme gimme gimme! That way I can show it around here in London, and maybe rustle up some interest. :)

Unknown said...

'Because it sounds fun'


Paul Abbamondi said...

Because I read any and all things quirky. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd like the free book because I am intrigued by the first chapter which I've read on the web site, and am a sci-fi fan. Thanks!!

TechTalk on WRLR 98.3 FM said...

So are the free books doled out randomly or do we have to be clever in our posts somehow? Does spelling count? How about grammar (uh oh, i just started that sentence with a preposition or some other unacceptable part of speech didn't I)?

::sigh:: I guess I'll just have to cross my fingers and hope for the random draw as clever and accurate are obviously beyond my capabilities this morning.

Simon Haynes said...

So are the free books doled out randomly or do we have to be clever in our posts somehow?

Don't worry, mine aren't that clever to begin with and I'm supposed to be running this show.

Most likely, I'll put all the names in a hat. It doesn't matter if there are lots of names, because I've got a pretty big head. (And if I mess it up I could end up drawing my own comment out and awarding myself a book.)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy of this book, since they're not easy to get here in the USA! And I promise that I'd spread the word here on the other side of the world...

Anonymous said...

I'd LOVE to win a copy of the first book in the series!!


Because it is there! I also would love to expand my horizons, and getting started in another series would be really good.

I've also heard that this series is quite good, but nothing would beat first hand experience. Also adding another signed copy of a book to my collection would be very nice.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this series! I've never read your work, but it comes highly recommended by a few of my friends. And also, I love humorous Scifi! Even if I don't win a copy of the first one, I'll still add the series to my wish list... :)

Anonymous said...

I just read the sample chapter and enjoyed it. It would be great to win the first book... Since humour is the highest form of art. At least I think so.

I just hope I'll be able to find the series here. We don't have nearly enough books by international writers (aside from Americans) in Canada. :(

Anonymous said...

My name is Rob. I'd like to win a free book without registering at Blogger.


P.S. yWriter is awesome!

Gabriele Campbell said...

Now, that's a way to get a lot of comments on a blog post. :)

I came across your blog via someone's blogroll - I think it was PBW, she has to answer for more than one of my procrastination tools - clicked the website and read the excerpt, went to only to find they don't sell the book, at least not for a reasonable price. And I want to read it. Yes, because it's fun. A reader needs fun now and then. Can't stick to academic historical non fiction and Literature all the time. :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. S. Haynes. I would like a copy because my mommy said I'm a good girl and I ate all my vegetables.
Because I have lots of starving children. And one of the legs of the table is shorter so that the plates slide off. And your book would fit perfectly under that leg.
The reason I wanted your book at the beginning, when I didn't know anything about it, was because I like yWriter and thought buying the book would be one of the best ways to thank you/an author for the cool program. But now that I have tried to get my hands on a copy since said they could get them half a year later (they didn't), heard more and more cool things about it and couldn't get one, I would really like to finally be able to hold it in my hands and neglect cleaning, studying, writing and the boyfriend.
And I know at least one person who would love your books, so he will definitely get a copy as soon as gets them. If I win or not. Did I just ruin my chances? Well, I usually don't win anything in drawings anyway, so yes, he will get it.
And I will too, somehow. Maybe I'm lucky. So fill that hat of yours and let's go. ;)

Anonymous said...

I read the first chapter and would love to read the whole book. It sounds great!

Anonymous said...

I'd like a copy of Hal Spacejock because it's important to support local writers...but only if they're any good because otherwise it'd just be silly, right?

Plus I've been wanting to read it anyway.

Anonymous said...

Hey Simon, Haven't read your books yet but have been into the fantasy sci fi genre for a while a bit of humour helps too, terry pratchett does well there. Just want something good to read thanks.


Anonymous said...

I would like a free copy of your book because I love reading humorous science fiction and I'm too broke to buy a copy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Simon,

I'd like a copy because, well, I planned to purchase and read the book and a copy from you would be all the better! I've enjoyed your posts to this and other boards. I've been looking forward to reading your series.

Laura (Bayre)

JamesO said...

Who wouldn't like free books?

Anonymous said...

I'd love a copy because it sounds funny, and it would make a great addition to the UBC Science Fiction Society library.

Anonymous said...

Other than the fact that I like free books, I wouldn't mind another copy to send to the US to spread the joy to those who may not yet have easy access to purchasing Hal.

P.S. The verification code was vgetm, which could be interpreted as, "we get 'em".

Anonymous said...

I have this gap in my life experiences and I feel sure that your book will fill that gap and change my life for the better!!! I love a bloody good read also!!

Anonymous said...

Hiya simon,
I finally worked this out, I'd really really really liked to win a Hal No.2, yay!!!

Oh this is Wendy M by the way, I'm really enjoy Hal no.1 and so did my dad.

Anonymous said...

I just learned about your books by looking into the free software you so generously offer. I didn't expect much but found it quality software. I too often intend to write books but the disipline has often eluded me. If your articles are any indication of your fiction works, Hal, I'm sure they are great reads. Although I would enjoy checking out the series, even more so I believe my husband would be thrilled to read them. I haven't read a great deal of sci-fi prefering techno thrillers and nonfiction, although I have taken a recent interest in LeGuin's work. My husband has grown up reading sci-fi/fantasy novels and I would love to share the books with him. I'm sure he would have a full appreciation of the satire. Please enter me in your contest, I love finding a new author's work to delve into. I am a collector of books as well and would enjoy having yours as a part of my collection. Thank you.


Nurse Briana said...

I learned of your series from PBW and it sounds really very interesting, I'd love to try out your book and see how good you really are.


Anonymous said...

I'd like a free copy of your stuff, but I've got this robot named Marvin who reckons I probably won't like it anyway.

(Doctor Shifty from AW)

Simon Haynes said...

I've got this robot named Marvin who reckons I probably won't like it.

And I have a robot called Clunk who says you will ;-)

Leah Hurst said...

New space series are always worthy of checking out.

Heather said...

I liked the 1st chapter and with a name like Hal Spacejock it's got to be good. Sign me up, please.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to win a copy because I rarely win anything, and I think it would make a good holiday reading.
In like your software and I hope to like your books too.

Anonymous said...


I'd like a copy because I usually read fantasy and I'd like to sample some good sci-fi. I've also got a lot of friends who read mainly sci-fi and who I could turn into fans. :)

Anonymous said...

Me too me too! Followed the link from PBWriter's blog and it looks like a good, fun read.


Anonymous said...

I want a copy because I've been using your yWriter software and think that anything written using that has to be cool. :)

SBB said...

I want a copy! Because it sounds like fun. And I'm poor. And have some terrible disease that makes me even more pitiful. And I'm begging the street for crumbs. And the Salvation Army has given me up as a lost cause. But mostly because I enjoyed the excerpt.

hornblower said...

Because I like freebies and the excerpt was fun.

Corn Dog said...

PUH-LEEEEEEAZE! Please, please, please, please, please, please!

charleneteglia said...

I would love to win a copy! It sounds very fun.

Erin M. Hartshorn said...

I'd like a copy because any book that includes chess being attractive to the opposite sex -- in the first paragraph -- and a robot named Brutus has to be fun!

Marg said...

I'd like a free book because...well because I would! I am always interested in trying out new authors to me, and new Australian authors are a big bonus!

Anonymous said...

I would like a signed copy because at the rate I'm going, I'll never run into Simon with one of my two unsigned ones.

Jean said...

I'm unfamiliar with your work and would be delighted for an opportunity to check it out "risk free." Besides, I have a growing shelf of autographed books, and I'm beginning to like the idea of collecting more.

Thank you for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to win a copy of the first book because it looks good. And I need something to read this summer: while 'Lord of the Flies' (which is my english homework for the summer) is no doubt a great work of literature, it's not a very inspiring afternoon read, and your book could fill this gaping hole quite nicely. And then I would go and buy the sequel(s).

Just re-read that and the grammer looks awful. Tuff.

Anonymous said...

It's a bit like Carl Jung meets Douglas Adams. Basically, synchronicity and a certain serendipity brought me here...and I NEED the book to further this hyper-real adventure. In one multiverse those who ask receive; in another they don't. I wonder which one I inhabit??

Kevin Jackson said...

I want to win because it sounds fun :)

Seriously, though, I would like to win a copy of Second Course. I read the first one and loved it!

Fahim said...

I would like a copy because it sounds a lot like fun but also because I've been trying for these draws since Hal #1 and haven't won anything yet :p

Unknown said...

I''d love to read your book. I've used some of your software and thank you for it.

Anonymous said...

I've read some of your short stories and the first chapter of your book and I'm hooked. Please add me to your list of people who'd like a copy of this book.

Mary Paddock

Simon Haynes said...

I would like a copy because [...] I've been trying for these draws since Hal #1 and haven't won anything yet

Watch closely, because around 500 other people are about to leave exactly the same complaint ;-)

I really do wish I could give copies to everyone, but I'm pleased I can at least send copies to some.

Anonymous said...

Your books sound funny in a slightly twisted manner. I hope I am one of your winners. As a fellow writer, I am also impressed with your marketing strategy.


Unknown said...

I want a free copy because I like cetting free stuff and because it sounds fun.

Anonymous said...

Hi Simon,

Your book seems really funny, and who doesn't want free funny? Sign me up!

Jeff Petersen

Anonymous said...

i would love to win a signed copy of your book i just love collecting signed items your book sounds like fun and hey i am a fellow aussie does that count lol

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I'm horribly curious about books, particularly if they're good and I haven't discovered them yet. ;) But even just going out and picking them up from the nearest store, it's easy to forget that a person out there dredged up the whole thing. I'd love to add a signed copy of yours to my 'library' here at home.

Anonymous said...

Should I enter again or not??

I'm going to, don't want to miss out.

Michael (moklh)

Anonymous said...

I'm just entering because I like to enter contests for free books. That and yWriter and BookDB are two of the most useful freeware products I've ever had the pleasure to know.

(And if Hal is half as funny as Hitchhiker's Guide, I'll be a fan for life...)

Anonymous said...

I want to please my mom!

Anonymous said...

As the days get longer my yearning for a great read is stronger than ever!! I would love to get a copy to indulge my fantasies into and escape to a brave new world!??!#*


Anonymous said...

Hi! I would like to win a book from you because I LOVE books of all kind. I'm an avid reader and yours look great!

Martha Lawson

Anonymous said...

I would love to receive a book - not because it's free, but because it is from you! :-)


Unknown said...

I'd like a free copy, but only if you would be kind enough to post it yourself, because I have government funding to use the skin cells you leave from your brief contact with the pages to clone you.

Of course, if you were feeling sadistic and wanted to mess with me, you could send me a free copy but have a monkey post it and I would be the laughing stock of the scientific community.
(Though the flip side is that people might just think you are a monkey... it just depends on how the logic goes)

Please send me a free book and either further the ends of science or destroy the reputation of a budding evil scientist. The choice is yours!