Thursday, September 20, 2007

Auto Summary meme

Here's the deal: Open your novel or WIP in Word 97 or later and click AutoSummarize. Change the options to 'create a new doc and put the summary there' and '100 words or less', then paste the result into your blog with these instructions. (This meme was my own stupid idea, btw.)

Here's the result from the first Hal book, where he sounds like a bit part in an 80's text adventure:

Hal Spacejock

Hal shrugged. Hal sighed. Hal sighed. Hal nodded. Hal blinked. Hal frowned. 'Clunk! Hal frowned. Hal frowned. Hal nodded. Hal grinned. Hal shrugged. Hal sighed. 'Clunk? Hal blinked. Hal nodded. Hal sighed. Hal sighed. Hal frowned. Hal nodded.
Hal nodded. Hal nudged Clunk. Hal waited. Hal frowned. 'Clunk? Hal shrugged. Hal shrugged. Hal frowned. Hal nodded. Hal nodded.
Hal sighed. Hal nodded. Hal frowned. Hal pointed. Hal grinned. Hal frowned. Hal groaned. Clunk! Hal sighed. 'Clunk? Hal groaned. Hal frowned. Hal nodded. Hal stared. Hal grinned. Hal grinned. Hal frowned. Hal smiled. Hal grinned. Hal grinned.

After all that I'm surprised his head hasn't dropped off. But hey, at least ol' Clunk got a mention.

And just for a real laugh, my Word Verification for this post was bashsf. Indeed!

Simon Haynes is the author of the Hal Spacejock and Hal Junior series (Amazon / Smashwords / other formats)

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